The Special Judge Court of Dhaka on Tuesday sent former deputy governor of Bangladesh Bank Sitangshu Kumar Sur, popularly known as SK Sur, to jail following a case filed by the Anti-Corruption Commi-ssion (ACC).
ACC Deputy Director Nazmul Hussain produced him before the court of Senior Special Judge Zakir Hossain Galib and prayed for detaining him in jail.
Earlier, he was arrested by the Detective Branch (DB) of police from city's Segunbagicha area as directed by the ACC.
The ACC Deputy Director told the court that they earlier served notices to him, his wife and other dependants to submit the wealth statements but they did not comply.
The ACC brought allegations against him for acquiring huge wealth and assets beyond his known source of income.
On October 27,, he received a notice from the ACC to submit his wealth statement within 21 days but he did not submit the wealth statement. As a result, the ACC filed a case against him, his wife and dependants under section 26(2) of the Corruption Prevention Act-2004.
On December 23, 2023, the ACC filed a case against SK Sur, his wife Suparna Sur Chowdhury, and daughter Nandita Sur Chowdhury for failing to submit their wealth statements within the stipulated time.
SK Sur Chowdhury has been under scrutiny for his alleged links to Prashanta Kumar Haldar, widely known as PK Halder. ACC quizzed Sur Chowdhury, Shah Alam over PK Halder scam
In June 2022, the ACC interrogated SK Sur and former Bangladesh Bank executive director Shah Alam over the embezzlement of Tk2,500 crore by PK Halder through shell companies associated with International Leasing. Subsequent actions followed this investigation.