EC, Secretary Akhtar Ahmed on Tuesday said preparations are underway for elections to be held between the end of 2025 and middle of 2026, aligning with a timeline proposed by Chief Adviser Dr Muhammad Yunus.
Speaking to reporters after meeting with a delegation led by United Nations Development Programme, or UNDP, Resident Coordinator Gwen Lewis EC Secretary said, "The UNDP's cooperation is technical. It would encompass not only hardware and software assistance but also training, capacity building, mutual experience exchange and communication development."
The meeting took place with the EC Secretary to discuss technical assistance for the electoral process.
Akhtar said, "We have sought cooperation from the UNDP regarding the election process. That cooperation is institutional, communication-related, hardware, software, etc. The representatives have come to review this matter."
He noted that while Tuesday's meeting served primarily as a courtesy call, it laid the groundwork for further discussions.
"In addition to talking to EC officials, another meeting will be held within 10 days after engaging with more stakeholders to discuss the proposal," he explained.
The scope of work, he added, had been outlined in this initial meeting, with subsequent communication planned to refine the collaboration.
Among the pressing issues is the shortage of computer hardware, scanners, and printers required to process voter data following house-to-house updates.
"Assistance has been requested," he confirmed.
Talking to reporters after the meeting, United Nations Resident Coordinator Gwyn Lewis said the EC sent the UN a letter requesting assistance before the UN could provide technical assistance to the EC.
"We need to do assessment," she said, adding that some recommendations will be made to the EC regarding the technical support the UN can provide.
She said, "We, accompanied by a need assessment mission from New York, came today (Tuesday) to meet the EC colleagues.
Following the feedback from our colleagues, we'll talk to more stakeholders - civil society, academicians, and political parties over the weeks."
Lewis said some technologies might be needed there. The EC will decide what types of support they would require.
"The EC has requested technical support for different aspects of the work, ranging from IT capacity development to help with misinformation and disinformation and a wide range of issues," said the UN official.
Replying to a query, she said, the mission will finish its assessment within 10 days and will come back and present it before the EC.