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Thursday | 16 January 2025 | Epaper

Pahela Falgun

In the trappings of fragrance . . .

Published : Monday, 13 February, 2017 at 12:00 AM  Count : 263
It is a day, just a day. And yet it is a day with a difference. It is Pahela Falgun today.
On Pahela Falgun, there is an explosion of colours, a breaking of new ground in the ambience of poetry which is so much the spirit of this land.
It is a turning of the seasons we experience this morning. There is a spring in our steps, a reminder of the tranquil grandeur Falgun symbolizes for us. Indeed, when dawn broke today, a new consciousness of heritage was in the air. Intimations of a renewal of life graced the arrival of the day, to add rich substance to existence.
The renewal comes in all the trappings of fragrance, of glory steeped in the scented presence of flowers. It is Bashanta, a reaffirmation of our belief in the beauty of life, in its ability to assert itself, despite mortality, till the setting of the sun and beyond.
Pristine charm will reinvent the beauty of the Bengali woman today as blossoms on her hair and garlands draping her shoulders infuse her being with new-born poetry. Sarees in riotous yellow, in furious orange, bordered in passionate red, will sing paeans to feminine charms. On Pahela Falgun, the raiment of the Bengali man will speak of the new life force shooting forth across the landscape of heritage. In his laughter will be heard tales of epic romance, of the many ways in which glad tidings make their way to the pastoral hut that has been his, literally as also figuratively, down the ages.
Falgun is also a time to remember. In a long-ago Falgun, young Bengali men sacrificed themselves on the altar of self-expression. In their fall came the message of the indomitable human spirit, the unalterable truth that winter is but a paving of the path to spring. Bashanta is but an expression of the serenity underpinning our ageless spring.
In the joyous serenity of Pahela Falgun this morning, we dance in tune with the soft cadences of life, of all that it means.

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Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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