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Investigating human bloodline

Published : Wednesday, 1 March, 2017 at 12:00 AM  Count : 241
Recent micro-biological observations and experiments suggest that 99.97 per cent of DNA molecular structure of human being is identical to those of chimpanzee and other anthropoid apes of same family.
With seemingly negligible three-per-cent difference in DNA molecule structure, humans have conquered the mother earth and enslaved rest of the animal kingdom with the acquired magic wand of intelligence they are in their possession which other species of animal kingdom have so far failed to acquire.
With a brain not much different from that of a prehistoric cave man and having utilized so far less than 10 per cent of the total capacity of the brain, humans are now virtually on the threshold of opening a new frontier towards exploring the universe and beyond and busy in finding a new home across the boundary of astral skies with the acquired scientific knowledge and wisdom.
But with that spectacular difference and mind-blowing accomplishments in their treasure of knowledge, humans are still million miles away to absolutely isolate themselves from the rest of other species of animal kingdom. Humans have primordial natural instincts and biological urges similar to others animals.
Humans are endowed with rare qualities of love and affection with smiles in joy and tears in despair. Recent scientific studies further confirm that chimpanzees and other anthropoid apes have also emotions like humans. They cry, they sob and bemoan for quite few days on the death of their off spring. Emotions, love and affection of humans unlike anthropoid apes are long and enduring but nevertheless are not diametrically opposed to that of animals.
Animals and birds give unfettered love and affection to their offspring as long as they learn how to earn their food and spread their wings in the air. After that, they become unknown to each other and go by the law of nature for the rest of their lives. On the contrary, humans tend to shower inexhaustible love and affection to their offspring and yearn to hold them back in their pride possession till their last breath. Alas! like chicks of birds, some humans posterity tend to break the shackles of heavenly bondage of love and affection of their parents at certain twist and turns of life for quenching their never ending thirst toward gliding in cherubic celebration in the endless joyful firmaments of life.
It is because of the fact that it doesn't really matter how refined and a rational species human is, in the animal kingdom over the long drawn evolutionary process, the basic nature and instinct of human being as a species of animal kingdom has not been metamorphosed over the ages. Rationality can only control and tame the inherent beast lies hidden within humans for a given situation and time, but it cannot eliminate and uproot the tendency once for all.
Human progeny are procreated with the genetic code of parents through a biological process by a divine order. They inherit a blood circulation system through veins and arteries. They inherit colour, size and other behavioural pattern from their parents no doubt, but possess some mysterious and 'noumenon' object named Soul infused by Allah almightily within themselves, nature of which still lies encrypted beyond the jurisdiction of scientific observation and experiment. And that makes them really different from their parents in ideas, thoughts, outlooks and attitudes towards defining the core values of life.
Sometime it appears shocking and devastating to some seemingly gullible (!) parents who, out of their frenzy of great love and affection, think that their posterity are their second selves and exclusively belong to them and remain under their shadow for the rest of life. They find with a blank look at the end of the day a reverse situation depicting a widened gap in ideas, thought and attitude between them and their offspring brewed over the passage of time. Religious texts emphasize that posterity are not the properties of procreator.
Posterity exists by their entity and lives in freedom by their own matrix of life. But some parents whose hearts are exuberantly filled with a sea of nectars of love and affection with high emotional value beyond explanation, do not like to accept that cruel fact of life and venture to cross the border line of expectation. They tend to hold their offspring in the warmth of their chest even if they are grown up the way birds hold their young chicks under the warmth of their feather.
This heavenly gesture of parents sometime does not have due recognition and value to some posterity who subconsciously treat their old parents a hated burden of life. Some disgruntled posterity even go to the extent of driving out their old parents from their home and in some very special cases of compassion (!) push them to 'old home' at the fag end of life. Having been ignored with abominable pity and bearing a paranoid anxiety for the rest of life, snubbed parents then draw a conclusion that their own blood has betrayed them in defiance of natural law and social norm.
It is not out of place, at this point, to recollect how some prodigal sons of their unfortunate parents walked the dark alley of underworld in complete defiance of their parents and played the orgy of blood a year back at Holey Artisan Bakery in pursuit of their entering heaven (!) by killing or be killed. To the great misfortune of these killer posterity, their parents declined to receive their dead bodies and their remains had to be disposed-off in unmarked graves with barrage of peoples' acrimony and hatred for their inexplicable such diabolic acts. On defiance, Shakespeare said in Macbeth, "Lay on Mac duff, and damn'd be him that first cries, Hold, enough!"
Behaviour pattern of the circulation system of blood in human anatomy is more or less homogeneous to the system of anthropoid apes and as such that impact is clearly reflected in both the species with a very negligible difference. Issue of parents being neglected or defied by posterity is no doubt much shocking and pitiful aspects of human life beyond measure if the problem is purely viewed in humane consideration. But since the human character and psyche is naturally designed with a mould blended in both animality and rationality, expectation of absolute and Utopian rationality in human behaviour is perhaps an object of distant cries. Despite mother earth is the only known sweet home in the universe where humans rule supreme with wonders of all acquired scientific splendour; humanity is often trampled under the jackboot of animality and irrationality.
Human misery and distress caused by war, famine, oppression, deceit, disobedience of posterity, betrayal of one's own blood often make this world pitiful and unworthy of living in spite of the fact that surfacing from dark cave as cavemen, not too long time ago into the light of the world, humans are now at the climax of civilization to build a fantasy world with acquired scientific and technological wisdom.
Bertrand Russell wrote in his autobiography "love and knowledge so far as they were possible, led upward toward the heavens but always pity brought me back to earth. Echoes of cries of pain reverberate in my heart. Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a hated burden to their sons and the whole world of loneliness, poverty and pain make a mockery of what human life should be. I long to alleviate the evil, but I cannot, and I too suffer. This has been my life. I have found it worth living and would gladly live it again if chance were offered to me."   
With the above inspiring words of the great philosopher, we too all long to live in this beautiful world with our posterity and fellow human beings in lasting peace, prosperity and
happiness. May God bless us all.
Mahbubar Rahman is a former civil servant

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Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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