The five-day Durga Puja, the biggest annual festival of the Hindu community, has been celebrated amid complete peace and harmony between religious communities in Bangladesh, especially the Hindus and Muslims. The holding of the Puja rituals across the overwhelmingly Muslim country proved once again that communal harmony, understanding and good neighbourly relations do exist in Bangladesh, a constitutionally secular country.
During this year's Durga Puja there were no incidents of violence, attack on Mandaps, vandalizing idols and creating panic among the Hindu devotees that also confirmed Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and her government's firm resolve to ensure freedom of religion to all citizens and protect their rights and privileges. Under directives of the government and strong vigil by the ruling Awami League, the law enforcing agencies (police and RAB) performed their duties with utmost sincerity for keeping peace during the Puja having let no one to disturb or jeopardise a peaceful and joyful celebration. It was unique example of communal harmony in Bangladesh.
In previous years Islamic zealots, militants and their political and other patrons had tried to trigger communal clashes by attacking Puja pandals, beating up devotees, and breaking the idols that led to violence at some places. The Hindus are the biggest minority in the overwhelmingly Muslim majority country of 160 million people. Bangladesh, which was known for its peaceful cohabitation and religious rituals for decades. But various anti-state and politicized terror gangs supported by Jammat-e-Islmai and other orthodox groups often threatened to destroy the image of the country, especially in the Hindu majority India. The government this year stood firmly by its policy on religious equality of all and no violence on pretext of different faiths.
Muslims in Bangladesh have always been tolerant to the people of other religions and they also join the festivals of each other. This year they created a new example of communal peace defying attempts by some people to thwart it. During the Puja Muslim friends and neighbours of the Hindus are always feted with specials foods. This year too, the traditional friendship has been displayed by both the communities that helped avert disturbances.
Durga Puja is also celebrated with pomp and grandeur in India's West Bengal State - and also across the country - but there Muslims' presence at the celebrations are not as visible as is in Bangladesh., Bangladesh government headed by Sheikh Hasina makes it doubly sure that religion is not mixed with or tampered by politics or factionalism. We are proud of that and during the just concluded Durga Puja both sides have reaffirmed it very strongly.
The celebrations closed yesterday evening with immersion of the Durga idols in the rivers, canals and ponds by the tearful devotees amid dance, songs and musical instruments playing the farewell tunes. We wish Durga Puja will be celebrated with more colour and vigour next year and spread the message of peace and loved among all people irrespective of religion.