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Make cyber security a top priority

Published : Friday, 24 February, 2023 at 12:00 AM  Count : 715
Cyber crime is criminal activities carried out by means of computers or the internet. It committed through the Internet and electronic devices for the purpose of physical or mental harm or espionage by state or non-state entities, theft of information through the Internet, distortion of information, money laundering, financial fraud, or interference with state interests through the Internet.

Everything we use like Email, Facebook, Twitter and other social media, online shopping, banking services are directly part of the cyber world. Most of the jobs today are directly or indirectly linked to online or internet. With the passage of time, as we are getting used to roaming in the cyber world, criminals are also using this platform for their criminal organization.

Cyber crime is a very familiar and much disliked word these days. More or less everyone in the third world is connected to the Internet in some way. Due to the inefficiency of these internet users, they are constantly being victims of cyber crime. There are no clear laws or guidelines regarding the use of mobile phones in our country. Multimedia enabled handsets are in the hands of the youth with which they are creating their own world. Through this technology of saving and sharing obscene video images, it is rapidly spreading to other's mobile phones. About 62% of the youth are involved in major crimes including sexual harassment and rape due to internet, YouTube, pornography addiction. This is constantly taking the form of an epidemic. According to a study by the Cybercrime Awareness Foundation, women between the ages of 18 and 30 are most affected by cyber attacks. Maximum of the victims of this crime feel that cyber crime control and security in the country can be ensured if cyber criminals are punished immediately.

Besides, most financial institutions in the country do not have their own cyber security department. As a result, important information and money are easily stolen through hacking. According to the data of Cyber Crime, Department of Dhaka Metropolitan Police, about five thousand complaints have been filed in Cyber Crime Unit of Dhaka Metropolitan Police in the last four years. In the last six months alone, about two thousand written complaints have been filed. In 2021, more than two thousand cases related to cyber crime have been filed. These internet users are becoming the target of cyber criminals in various ways.

Cyber world is playing a big role behind the development of the country. Nowadays most of the activities can be done online. Cyber systems are being used as one of the mediums to store and deliver information. People are now getting used to using digital currency as well. As a result, criminals have also changed the way they commit crimes Government has set up cyber monitoring cell to stop cybercrime and serve the victims but it is very little compared to the need. It is more important than effective laws to stop these cyber crimes, awareness, proper knowledge, methods of use. To create awareness in this regard, secondary level textbooks need to give an idea about cyber security.

Students can be taught how to avoid hacking. Public awareness can be created by going to schools and colleges about who to report and where to go for remedial action if there is such an unwanted problem. Organizations that operate directly online must have their own cyber security measures in place.

Bangladesh has now become a digital country. If any person or organization is affected by cybercrime, it is a big loss for the whole country. Therefore, necessary steps should be taken quickly to solve the problem from the highest position of the state to prevent cyber crime.

Sk Shahrier Hossen, Student, Jagannath University

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Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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