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Ganatantra Mancha extends support to movements of teachers, students

Published : Friday, 5 July, 2024 at 9:13 PM  Count : 519

Ganatantra Mancha, an alliance of several opposition parties, on Friday extended its full support to the ongoing public university teachers' movement against the new universal pension scheme "Prottoy" and a section of university students' anti-quota agitation.

Zonayed Saki, chief coordinator of Ganosamhati Andolon, made the announcement at a rally in front of the Jatiya Press Club, reports UNB.
"The government has engaged in a deadly game. They’re trying to suppress the people through killings and enforced disappearances, thereby destroying the country. They don't want to relinquish power. Students have taken to the streets demanding quota reforms, and teachers have also initiated a movement," he said.

As the movements spread like wildfire, Saki alleged that Chhatra League's helmet-wearing cadre forces are attempting to suppress the protests through repression and intensifying their vigilance in all halls of Dhaka University.

"We want to clearly state that we support all these protests. The opposition parties are not hatching any plot involving the student movement. We unequivocally express support for the agitations of the students and teachers. These teachers belong to us and these students belong to us... all the people of this country belong to us... In every protest they undertake, we stand by them, and we will continue to stand by them," he said.

Saki cautioned that the ongoing movements spearheaded by students, teachers, and opposition parties are all geared towards one objective: the eventual removal of the current Awami League government from office.

"We urge all opposition parties to get ready for creating a mass upsurge to ensure the downfall of the government. Ganatantra Mancha will initiate that struggle, and we invite you to join us," he said.

Ganatantra Mancha arranged the rally in front of the Jatiya Press Club to protest against various anti-state Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) signed during Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's recent visit to New Delhi.

Related topic   Subject:  Ganatantra Mancha   movements   teachers   students  

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Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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